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Kevin Pallis

How you know you've made a difference

Kenny Smoker, the tribal wellness programs specialist for the Fort Peck Reservation has called Love Has No Color, "the answer to our prayers". Never before had he come into contact with a group of action oriented, energetic, humanitarian people like there are in this organization. When we are on the reservation there are long hours and no breaks, yet our team always finds time to roughhouse and play with the kids. Oh sure, Kenny has seen his share of one time do-gooders, but he had never experienced people who made promises and actually kept them. The scariest time on the reservation used to be when we would leave. Now, 10 years later, they trust us. We stand before them in truth. Now when we leave, they count the days until the crazy LHNC people return.

We feel compelled to share this story, not only to create awareness of the wretched conditions on the reservation, but also to create opportunities for people to get involved and do something about it. Focus on helping children on the reservation and, by default, you will help more children and adults in your community. Whatever your background, career, family life, what have you, there are an infinite number of lessons to learn from our Native American brothers and sisters. We are at a crossroads and stand ready to ease the suffering

on reservations. The question is, are you?


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