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Starvation at Fort Peck? Not on our watch!

The line was winding around the distribution building where hundreds of kids, with a mother or grandmother here and there, were anxiously awaiting their turn for some free goodies. There were all kinds of gifts, toys, and sporting goods as well as 300 loaves of bread. Because there simply wasn’t enough to go around, they were given the choice of a great brand new toy from the LHNC Christmas on the Reservation program or a loaf of bread. Oh, and these kids were from K-6th grade.

Which do you think they chose? The loaf of bread!

Most people familiar with LHNC are beginning to understand that the 3rd world conditions on this reservation (and others) are real. Many are familiar with the alcohol, drugs, teen pregnancy, crime, unemployment, poverty, disease epidemics, low life expectancy…but HUNGER?

Our annual fund raiser kicks off in a couple of weeks and it will be aimed at the hunger crisis that’s happening right now. We are going to be raising funds to purchase tons and tons of high quality, non-perishable foods. No kids will starve on our watch.

Each family will have nutritious food that they can use immediately. This won’t be government surplus, powdered eggs and freeze dried food, but high quality, fresh food that will nourish their minds and bodies.

This is the first phase of our thrust to end hunger on the Fort Peck Reservation. Our vision for the future is not to simply give them the fish, but teaching them how to fish. We will be building huge greenhouses with wind and solar technology to grow organic produce and veggies year round to provide sustainable food for all. This will only be possible with your help.

We are asking all people who visit this website and beyond to put the call out on your social media and get donating to this crucial, worthwhile cause. Our goal is raising $125,000 to purchase food for all residents of the reservation. We can reach our goal, but it starts with you…will you help feed a family?

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