Since 2005 a small, but mighty group (Love Has No Color) of determined Chiropractors, CAs, family members, patients, donors, businesses and churches have kept their promise to the kids on the Fort Peck reservation in MT. At Christmas time, each kid gets a gift, high quality, non-perishable food and a personalized visit from members of Love Has No Color.
For many reading this, Christmas time is a time of celebration, joy and excitement. For kids on the reservation, it can be an especially difficult time of the year. Loneliness and isolation grip so many kids on the reservation. So many grow up without a nuclear family for a foundation. Love Has No Color has been a sort of ‘surrogate’ godfathers and godmothers of these kids.
There are positive changes happening on the reservation. Restoring the health, hope and dignity is not a one-shot deal. It’s creating a new hope, a new belief system for these kids. It’s believing in them at the critical time juncture in their lives.
Here is a letter written from Kenny Smoker about our group.
We are not taking the credit for these amazing changes. It’s the result of lots of groups putting their individual differences aside and coming together for the kids. We get so much support from people on and off the reservation, tribal officials, HPDP, citizens (especially the elders) of the reservation who help us every step of the way.
Our Christmas on the Reservation is part of the solution. Each kid on the reservation receives at least one gift and food from LHNC. Each year, the kids can count on the fact that the toys will be there and the LHNC elves. They look forward to this as much as they look forward to the Fun Days in the summer.
If you are new to this site, please donate and donate often. Every donation counts toward restoring the health, hope and dignity of every kid on the reservation. Always remember, the kids didn’t ask to be put in these circumstances. They have no voice when it comes to their health, hope and dignity.
Please help this year's Christmas on the reservation reach the most kids ever.