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Santa Arrived on the Reservation!

The excitement was palpable. All of the kids were sitting in their classroom seats nervously giggling as Santa’s elves made the rounds. As the anticipation grew, the kids became more eager and curious to see what gifts the Chiropractors brought to the reservation. Their eyes widened as they saw every kind of toy, game, stuffed animal, and article of clothing imaginable arrive by the boxful!

Much to everyone’s surprise, Santa came to visit us at an elementary school in Poplar! Santa is so busy, but still, he made time to come visit us...this close to Christmas!

Thousands upon thousands of toys, gifts, games, clothes, and sporting goods made their way to the Fort Peck Reservation on December 14th and 15th. The LHNC elves hosted the event to share holiday joy with all the kids.

The support for Christmas on the Reservation comes from Chiropractic and Naturopathic offices, their patients, and friends and family. All of these people worked tirelessly, across the US and Canada, to gather donations for these kids. In addition, lots of other donors have gotten involved. Boy/Girl Scouts, businesses, corporations, religious groups, private citizens, schools, etc. These donors have given everyone on the reservation, from the Head Start Programs all the way up to 12th-graders, a taste of the true meaning of Christmas.

Giving these kids a Christmas to remember is a truly beautiful sight to see. Even more amazing, is that this event and the LHNC members that participate in it, have left a “pay it forward” idea in each child’s mind. So many of the kids grow up to be advocates for others, both on and off of the reservation.

Charities come and go, and have a heavy tendency to become top heavy with bureaucracy, administrative costs, paid consultants, board members, officers and the like. LHNC is a grassroots effort that runs because of its hardworking volunteers.

Thank you, Donors, for your very generous and continuous support. You’ve made sincere positive changes in so many lives.

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