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Why should YOU get involved with Love Has No Color?

We get all kinds of correspondence from residents of the Fort Peck reservation and beyond all asking variations of the same question: “Why do you guys keep coming back and helping the kids?”

It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to help these kids. There is something about helping these kids in their time of need that will send far reaching ripples beyond the reservation.

In just 13 years, there has been so much progress made for these kids. Here is a small list of what we have accomplished over the years on the reservation:

  • Refurbished Movie Theatre to safely hang out away from the clutches of street gangs

  • A synthetic outdoor basketball court

  • An outdoor skating rink

  • A skate park

  • An extreme helping of Chiropractic and Naturopathic care

  • A visit from the beautiful Cara Mund, our Miss American 2018

  • 280,000 girts, coats, gloves, boots and more for the kids during Christmas

  • An insane amount of high quality food

  • A full scholarship for a Native American woman to attend Chiropractic College

All good things are happening on the reservation and we will continue to do more every year!

There is a hint of optimism, of hope for a brighter future for all kids.

Decades ago, a former Illinois governor and US ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson once observed that the moral measure of a nation is how it treats its least advantaged citizens.

There is no discussion that these kids are the least advantaged citizens in our country, hands down.

Being a lifeline for these kids, it’s the right thing to do…now!

There’s no time to waste. These kids need our help in order to claim their place in our citizenry.

If given a chance and nurtured during childhood, these kids will mature into adults who will add to society.

As has been said in previous blogs if there was ever a time the original ‘keepers of the earth’ voice must be heard, its now.

When you become involved through donations, sending clothing, or participating in events like our upcoming Boot Camp August 9th, 10th, 11th, you will feel a real sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself.

Seeing the pictures, the video or recalling the feelings of actually being with the kids is an experience that is so emotional to really put into words.

Most people say they can’t put their fingers on it, but it changed their lives. The smiles on the kids faces, the sincere thank you for helping them and the lifetime friendships and bonds made make it so worth while.

Some folks say they receive more than they give…it’s that special! They feel like they are a part of an important cause that’s bigger than only their personal or family needs.

Get involved today!

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