Most people have never spent time on a Reservation and have a foggy notion of what really goes on. If you’ve passed through you, you immediately are able to pick up on the signs of poverty. There are jalopy cars with cracked windshields and duct tape holding them together; there is graffiti on the buildings, and homes that have burned down. If you’re not from the Reservation, you are a stranger in a strange land.
Ignoring these conditions means people who live on these Reservations, especially children, are not important enough to be helped.
After all, it’s not our problem, right. Or is it?
Love Has No Color was created in 2005 as a way of asking people to step up and help people who find themselves in truly appalling and disturbing conditions.
There are no simple solutions to complex problems.
Each year, we notice more and more positives with the kids.
They help us at the events, take more responsibility for their actions, and start helping others, especially the younger kids.
Who would ever have thought that Christmas presents during the holidays, a summer Fun Day, and a full time Chiropractor in the school system would produce such benefits?
These seemingly small gestures are anything but small in these kid’s lives.
Sometimes it stays with these kids a lifetime.
Anyway you can help with this year’s effort, please contact us!