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Our vision for 2020: HOPE!

It’s very easy to become overwhelmed at the sheer immensity of all the problems on the Reservation. It seems that you can’t help yourself, your family, and everyone on the Reservation at the same time.

Love Has No Color works year-round to help every child on the Reservation. We make no distinction between Native American kids and other kids, as they all receive the same benefits.

Making two yearly visits to the Reservation (Fun Day in the summer and Christmas on the Reservation in the winter) takes a lot of work. We plan, fundraise, and coordinate with Kenny Smoker, HPDP, Dr. Megan, The Tribal Council, donors, and supporters all year round.

We are entering our 16th year.

This year, there is going to be a focus on traditional tribal values, health, self-reliance, a stronger sense of community, creating ‘safe havens’ for the kids, and establishing a food pantry for those in need.

There is a certain dimension of hope that has been emerging in the last few years.

The kids are starting to believe in themselves, making better choices, and ushering in a new hope for brighter futures.

LHNC is not a ‘quick fix’, nor do we have all the answers. Each year we listen to elders on the Reservation among others to target our efforts to make the maximum impact with as many kids as possible.

2020 ushers in a new era of hope to the Fort Peck Reservation!

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